Friday, May 16, 2008

Feeding Humans vs. Fueling Cars

It is heralded as the next big thing, languished and slathered in praise by the gurus, environmentalists, politicians, magazines and celebrities. A wonderfully clever way to make nation's energy needs greener, sustainable and domestically supplied.

Corn becomes ethanol is fuel. Very clever.

No, not really. Fact: the corn required to distill enough ethanol to fill your tank just once could instead feed someone for a year. Trees versus Human Beings. Save the human being or save the world. At this point, I'd like to refer you to my post "Tree Hugger Are Morons".

It is morally depraved to fuel a car at the expense of feeding a human being. It's a vital factor in global hyperinflation in food prices. I say hyperinflation because that's what you call a 25% rise in the price of wheat. Rice is at its highest price in 20 years.

I'm all for renewable energy, but let's get our priorities straight. There are more efficient ways to produce clean and renewable fuel. Solar, wind, tidal, geothermal are all excellent ways to go. Pick one.



Misguided by the 405 'cause it led me to an alcoholic summer

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